Progressive Enneagram Summer 2023 Test

After participating in a Facebook group in which participants tried to assist with revisions to the test, I decided that I had to take the test when it was offered again this summer. As usual, I enjoyed the testing experience.

Insights Gained

While I expected to see my 1 show up as my primary fix, the degree of consistency in these results as compared to the previous (Winter 2023) test surprised me. My initial (Week 1) result was 146, which is how I have been typed by Katherine Fauvre.

Although the results of weeks 2 and 3 evidenced some differences, the final result was the almost the same as last time’s (1w_ 5w4 4w5). One difference was that my 9 wing on 1 was no longer present. A 9 wing on my main fix surprised me last time, because I usually test with a 2 wing; however, as 9 and 2 seem to be defined/described in this test, I believe the “no wing” is more accurate.

I cannot explain how the 5 fix ends up in second place on this test, when it is usually the 4. The consistent, relatively strong showing of sp as my second instinct, when I usually test as sx/so, is puzzling to me. Paul explained that introversion can cause sp to score higher than it might otherwise, so perhaps that is the reason.

Another surprise is the really low scores for 7. It was the appearance of a 7 card in my “Analogous Enneaspread” on the Fauvre test that led Katherine to conclude that my third fix was 6 (because I swing between 5 and 7).

Comparison with Previous Test Results

When my results vary from one test to the next, I always wonder what the differences are and why they occur. I compared the results of this summer test with the one I took last winter, and created a chart to show the similarities and differences. Click here to see the chart.

Satisfaction with the Experience

I am satisfied with this testing experience (and will do it again next time if possible). This test provides additional insights, as well as raising some questions about my heart and head fixes. I am still trying to figure out why 5 shows up so strongly here. Perhaps it was because both my 4 and 6 have a 5 wing, but I am still not confident about this conclusion.

Improvements Suggested

I am not sure whether further alterations on the questions would make much of a difference. They certainly didn’t for me, at least at the end of the test. I do wonder about the suggestion someone made about including pictures in the test. Fauvre’s enneacards do this, but they also contain words and short phrases representative of each type or instinct. Her test does not ask the test-taker to tell how strongly each card is like him/her, however, but rather has him/her sorting cards in order of preference.

Likes and Dislikes

I like taking the test over a period of time. It seems to allow more for different moods, etc., on the test-taker’s part. I know I looked forward to answering the questions each day and seeing the weekly results each Saturday.

I am not sure I have a “least favorite” part. If I had to choose anything, I would identify waiting for those results each Saturday.